The Cyborgs Next Door

What really makes a cyborg? The hybrids have an interesting place in modern culture: from Terminator, RoboCop, or Inspector Gadget, there’s always a futuristic atmosphere that surrounds them. If we go off the definition created by scifi media through the ages, a cyborg is just part human, part tech. In this case, we’re already in the era of cyborgs. How Medicine is Creating Cyborgs When you...

Printing on a Ramen Noodle Budget: The Best Printers for College Students

You sit with your eyes bloodshot and that last ounce of caffeine slowly leaving your system. It’s 3:00 a.m. on a Tuesday night (although at this point you might as well just consider it Wednesday morning), and you have just finished a 15-page paper that is due in five hours. None of your friends have printers, or the ones who do are fast asleep, and you’ve got no time to print from the...

Gadget Corner: Organization and Safety

It’s so easy to get caught up in the rat race these days. It seems like every time you turn around, there’s another assignment that needs doing, another meeting to attend, or another person to talk to. In our busy lives, it can be refreshing to have the minor tasks just take care of themselves. With that in mind, we have found these useful gadgets to help you stay organized and safe, even...

Quantum Computing: Not Just Science Fiction Anymore

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could be in two places at once? We would be able to get more things done, accomplish tasks more efficiently, and generally improve our lives at a much faster pace. Or, even better, what if we could be in every place at once? Unfortunately for us humans, it is nearly impossible to be in multiple places at the same time – but that certainly won’t stop us from trying....

Automation in the Workforce: How Afraid Should You Be?

According to reports from the International Federation of Robotics, robotics sales have increased by 33% overall in the year 2015. A number like this gets more impressive when you break it down by industry: 41% in electronics, 39% in metal, and 16% in plastic and rubber production. All of which is to say, many workplaces and manufacturing processes are being filled with automated machines and...

15 Apps to Beat College the Easy Way

Most fear is based in a lack of knowledge – when it comes to college, it’s easy to be scared if you feel that you are unprepared. Luckily, there are many who have gone before you who know what you will need, and they’ve made an app for it! If you want to get a kickstart on your courses, or if you need the reassurance that only an established plan can give you, establishing and familiarizing...
globe made up of flags with a chat bubble filled with different languages

So You Want to Learn a Language?

There are thousands of pictures clogging social media, featuring brightly-filtered landscapes, superimposed with stylized quotes proclaiming that you, too, can do anything, if you devote just fifteen minutes a day to it. While you wouldn’t admit it to the hyper-motivated people that spend significantly more than ten minutes a day posting these, this is kind of true. At the very least, you can...

RoboBee: The Future of Flower Pollination

In the dystopian future, flowers have wilted to weeds and farms are nearly barren. World starvation is rampant, with severe drops in population across all countries. First World countries clutch onto their supplies of food tightly, a resource that is more valuable than petroleum in this new age. But what’s that sound? Is that a honeybee, a species thought to be extinct since 2020? One buzz...

Replika: Socializing in the Year of the Bot

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your own AI companion? Wonder no more. Luka, Inc., a California-based software company specializing in AI-powered chat bots, has recently released the Replika app, a personal AI that you raise via messaging. Billed as “your AI friend that you teach and grow in conversations,” Replika is a chat bot that learns to mimic your personality...

Whiskers: A New Game of Cat and Mouse

"In a world overrun by mice, one cat stands alone. Defy the impawssible." Instead of watching cat videos on the Internet, why not become a virtual one? It’s getting close to the end of the year, and seniors are busy putting together their Capstone Projects, the final step before their graduation. One project in particular appeals to every type of person - even the most hardcore of dog lovers....