15 Apps to Beat College the Easy Way

Most fear is based in a lack of knowledge – when it comes to college, it’s easy to be scared if you feel that you are unprepared. Luckily, there are many who have gone before you who know what you will need, and they’ve made an app for it! If you want to get a kickstart on your courses, or if you need the reassurance that only an established plan can give you, establishing and familiarizing...

Replika: Socializing in the Year of the Bot

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your own AI companion? Wonder no more. Luka, Inc., a California-based software company specializing in AI-powered chat bots, has recently released the Replika app, a personal AI that you raise via messaging. Billed as “your AI friend that you teach and grow in conversations,” Replika is a chat bot that learns to mimic your personality...

LifeSafe App Review: How to Stay Safe & Report

Have you ever been out late coming back from a party on campus or had a study night with friends that turned into an all-night event of more socializing than studying? I mean, let’s be real. We’ve all been there. We might have even had moments where we have to go see a friend in the middle of the night because we left something at their place or we’re just not feeling well and need to talk....