LinkedIn: Your Link to the Business World

Most people hop onto their computer immediately after waking up, mug of coffee in hand, to start one of their many social media check-ins to see what is going on in the world around them. Professionals, however, have a different style of rising in the morning. Instead of checking updates on Facebook, they check for updates on LinkedIn: their link to the business world. LinkedIn launched in 2003...

RoboBee: The Future of Flower Pollination

In the dystopian future, flowers have wilted to weeds and farms are nearly barren. World starvation is rampant, with severe drops in population across all countries. First World countries clutch onto their supplies of food tightly, a resource that is more valuable than petroleum in this new age. But what’s that sound? Is that a honeybee, a species thought to be extinct since 2020? One buzz...

The STEM Career Fair: A Bazaar of Opportunities

Walking around the room for the STEM career fair, I was reminded of a bazaar. Crowded and hot, the people move about, looking for what interests them. Men and women in suits go up to the merchant's stall, filled with curiosity. However, at this bazaar, it is the merchants doing the buying and the browsers doing the selling: selling their skills, selling their personality. They move onto the next...