Quantum Computing: Not Just Science Fiction Anymore

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could be in two places at once? We would be able to get more things done, accomplish tasks more efficiently, and generally improve our lives at a much faster pace. Or, even better, what if we could be in every place at once? Unfortunately for us humans, it is nearly impossible to be in multiple places at the same time – but that certainly won’t stop us from trying....

Automation in the Workforce: How Afraid Should You Be?

According to reports from the International Federation of Robotics, robotics sales have increased by 33% overall in the year 2015. A number like this gets more impressive when you break it down by industry: 41% in electronics, 39% in metal, and 16% in plastic and rubber production. All of which is to say, many workplaces and manufacturing processes are being filled with automated machines and...

RoboBee: The Future of Flower Pollination

In the dystopian future, flowers have wilted to weeds and farms are nearly barren. World starvation is rampant, with severe drops in population across all countries. First World countries clutch onto their supplies of food tightly, a resource that is more valuable than petroleum in this new age. But what’s that sound? Is that a honeybee, a species thought to be extinct since 2020? One buzz...

March Madness

Ballin’ like the March Madness? It’s comical that a rapper named Future produced a song that has one of the most unpredictable futures in the world. Just like every year, this is the time where confusion falls upon the sports world and, in this particular case, it is the sport of basketball. Basketball has bred a culture that has fallen in love with the Cinderella story. The sight of...