Amazon Web Services: Take Your Code Around the World

Many companies in the medical, security and financial fields have access to sensitive customer data that must be protected. Companies can sometimes be lax in their dealings with this data, and this attitude toward security is often the cause of large breaches. It can be difficult to find the perpetrators of these large breaches, especially if the company that was breached is not in the same...
globe made up of flags with a chat bubble filled with different languages

So You Want to Learn a Language?

There are thousands of pictures clogging social media, featuring brightly-filtered landscapes, superimposed with stylized quotes proclaiming that you, too, can do anything, if you devote just fifteen minutes a day to it. While you wouldn’t admit it to the hyper-motivated people that spend significantly more than ten minutes a day posting these, this is kind of true. At the very least, you can...