Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Hydro Flasks, metal straws, bamboo toothbrushes, oh my! There are so many ideas that young adults of Kennesaw have been advocating for as a way to go green. Sometimes, all it takes is realizing that walking a few extra steps to the recycling bin is worth making a positive difference on the whole planet. It is kind of hard to be selfish or lazy when justified in that way. If we are doing little...

5 Things to Know if Running is Your Thing

It isn't uncommon for upcoming college students to want to get involved in a new sport or activity upon starting their lives at KSU. But many often find themselves asking, where do I start? Luckily for them, the Kennesaw area has many running stores that can help the beginning or seasoned runner accomplish whatever goals they have in mind. So after paying attention to these tips, consider giving...

How to Stay Productive During a Butt-Kicking Semester

We’ve all had those oh-so hectic days of rushing from class to class, trying to finish notes and homework in between already packed schedules, and cramming in all the information from last week’s lecture to stay up to date. Not to mention it’s ten times harder when you have a part-time job. It sounds almost impossible to juggle so much. But how hard is it really? Instead of letting tough...

The Body’s Fitness Journey From High School to College

Disclaimer: I am in no way a certified fitness expert. Please contact your health physician for questions. Do not expect results of any kind.  In most high schools, a physical education class is a requirement. After that, though, your physical health is left up to you. I began my fitness journey early in my junior year of high school at GSU due to dual enrollment. I wanted to gain healthier...

When Recycling Fails

Since your childhood, you’ve probably been constantly reminded of recycling. Maybe you recall sorting your garbage in elementary school: snack wrappers go in the trash can, but extra scratch paper goes in the recycling bin. Maybe you have a habit of using your own totes instead of getting plastic bags at the grocery store. Or perhaps you bring a reusable water bottle to work. The concept of...

KSU Student Reps Thailand at 2019 Soccer World Cup

Imagine this. You’re coming off a soccer season where you broke a single-season record in saves (94). You have a Goals Against Average of 1.04 after playing 19 games. Of those 19 games played, your team won 12 of them. Furthermore, you turned 21, and once the season and your classes conclude, you get the opportunity to represent your country in the 2019 Soccer World Cup. Not only do you...

Caffeine: The Neurological Side Effects We Crave

My freshman year of college, I bought a coffee maker. After moving into my apartment and sitting through syllabus week, scanning Walmart’s shelves for something under $25 while double-checking my bank account felt like the natural next step. As I recall the memory of me lifting a soon-to-be-mine Mr. Coffee cardboard box into my cart, time reels in slow motion and the fluorescent lights above us...

Fast, Simple and Delicious Recipes for the Vegan College Student

In the eyes of many, the vegan diet gets a bad rap. This is especially true in college. People say it's too expensive or too much of a hassle to even bother attempting. But that doesn't have to be the case. In fact, with the right resources and a little help from a few of my own recipes, finding yummy yet inexpensive vegan meal ideas just got more accessible. All of the ingredients used in these...

Three Ways to Eat Healthier Without The Hassle

Remember the blissful days of never having to worry about food? In the morning, shuffling out of bed to a kitchen full of options; from Eggo Waffles and Toaster Strudels stacked high in the freezer, to whatever cereal that was available: Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs or some classic Honey Nut Cheerios. On a good day, one might have walked in on the sweet sight of mom or dad flipping pancakes at the...