Getting Motivated in the Face of Procrastination

If you’ve been in college for any amount of time, and you’re like almost every other student who’s ever lived, you are no stranger to procrastination. It affects all of us. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, anywhere from 80 to 95 percent of college students procrastinate. If you’re reading this article right now and you should be doing math homework or writing...

Culture Spotlight: Cuba

Every year, KSU’s Division of Global Affairs chooses a country to highlight and study throughout the year. For the 2019-2020 school year, we are celebrating the country of Cuba. This means learning about its culture, including language, values, history, and traditions. Two Cuban students share their experiences as we explore the culture of Cuba. Photo by AussieActive on Unsplash Language...

How to Avoid the Freshman 15

You walk into The Commons and hear that beautiful ‘ding’ as you swipe in. Straight ahead is the biscuits and gravy. To your right, if you speed past the salad, lies the pizza and pasta. The dessert is taunting you in the center of the room. You told yourself you would never fall into the trap that is the “Freshman 15." While college is a time where many fall short of the fitness and health...

When Recycling Fails

Since your childhood, you’ve probably been constantly reminded of recycling. Maybe you recall sorting your garbage in elementary school: snack wrappers go in the trash can, but extra scratch paper goes in the recycling bin. Maybe you have a habit of using your own totes instead of getting plastic bags at the grocery store. Or perhaps you bring a reusable water bottle to work. The concept of...