Binge Worthy TV Shows to Distract Your Mind & Release Stress

As college students, we have a lot of stress on our shoulders. From choosing a major to earning good grades, there are times when we just need to sit back and relax. And what better way to unwind than discovering new (and old) binge-worthy TV shows. Don’t worry, there won’t be any spoilers! Friends (Netflix) I’m starting off with a major classic! To keep it short and simple, Friends...

The Dangers of Vaping

Good morning! It is the perfect time to wake yourself up! In other words, it is the perfect time to locate that vape, which is probably somewhere entangled under the pillow. Many students who use nicotine-charged e-cigarettes take an average of 140 to 300 puffs per day, according to the Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy.  Increased Vaping Related Illnesses As many people have probably...

Three Emergency Medical Techniques Everyone Should Know

You’re taking notes on your professor’s lecture when they pause. You glance up from your notebook—only to see them motionless on the floor. What do you do? As Mayo Clinic assures, it’s better to do something than nothing at all, regardless of your level of emergency medical training. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was most likely what you...

Seasons Come and Go…

The leaves are changing, the air is slightly chillier, and the Town Center mall is already blaring classic holiday songs through their department stores. "All I Want for Christmas" is on constant replay on your roommate's speaker, but all you want is a simple escape from these seasonal blues.  Diagnose & Self-Assess  Seasonal Depression, formally known as seasonal affective...

The 411 on The Enneagram Personality Test

Are you a Two? Nine? When you’re stressed, do you go to a One? The Enneagram has become a new trend these past few months. Social networking sites such as Instagram have a plethora of accounts dedicated to the Enneagram, whether they provide knowledgeable information or just spam memes relating to the Enneagram. So, what exactly is the Enneagram? The Basics According to the Enneagram...

How to Avoid the Freshman 15

You walk into The Commons and hear that beautiful ‘ding’ as you swipe in. Straight ahead is the biscuits and gravy. To your right, if you speed past the salad, lies the pizza and pasta. The dessert is taunting you in the center of the room. You told yourself you would never fall into the trap that is the “Freshman 15." While college is a time where many fall short of the fitness and health...