How to Avoid the Freshman 15

You walk into The Commons and hear that beautiful ‘ding’ as you swipe in. Straight ahead is the biscuits and gravy. To your right, if you speed past the salad, lies the pizza and pasta. The dessert is taunting you in the center of the room. You told yourself you would never fall into the trap that is the “Freshman 15.”

While college is a time where many fall short of the fitness and health goals they once had, it is also a perfect time to do the opposite: pursue those goals. This is a new chapter; you have the power to become the best version of yourself, the person you have always dreamt of becoming. Find that balance that allows you to indulge and live your life, but in a way that is rewarding, rather than causing you to spiral out of control. 

Helpful Tips from Boston University

Boston University provides tips to avoid the “Freshman 15” that we often do not take into consideration.

  • Get enough sleep: the hustling lifestyle is not as glamorous as everyone makes it out to be. Having a healthy body means getting enough rest.
  • Do not skip breakfast: There is a reason they call it the most important meal of the day.
  • Walk off your stress: This is a great alternative to stress eating or sleeping.
  • Don’t study with the microfridge: Attention all snackers! Get yourself away from the chips while eating. Are you hungry or are you bored?
  • Include fruits and veggies in all meals: This way you will fill up faster and eat fewer calories in the long run.
  • Don’t drink your calories: Try to drink water during your meals, and all throughout the day for that matter. It fills you up more than you think.

Around Campus

We are lucky enough to have an on-campus gym that provides us with two floors to work out on as well as a track and countless types of workout classes. Personally, I walk through the recreation center on the way to my car after class and have begun bringing a change of clothes to stop and do a work out at the gym since I am already there. When we have such a nice facility at our fingertips, it is hard to justify a reason not to utilize it. Spend that time you were going to spend watching Netflix working out.

Another tip I have found helpful to my personal schedule is exercising before getting a lot of homework done. Sometimes, I find myself having very low energy in the middle of the day, so I just go home and get in bed, putting off my assignments. However, if I go to the gym at the beginning of the day, I am able to focus better on my schoolwork or whatever other tasks may come up. Plus, then it is out of the way!

While there are so many delicious food options that are not beneficial to your body at The Commons, there are many healthy options. Go for the salads, a wrap, or even the vegan options. Control your portions; I promise you do not need to “take advantage of your swipe” and eat until you feel like being sick each day. If you absolutely have to, let yourself have a “cheat” day. I try to eat right all week, and then on Friday, I will treat myself to whatever I want at The Commons.

Another tip is to avoid Dining Dollars. I did not get any this semester and I have not gotten Chick-Fil-A or anything in the student center all semester. This one kills two birds with one stone: it is saving you money in the long run as well. 

Once you are on the right track, you will find it hard to go back to your overeating, inactive ways. There will be no “Freshman 15,” and more importantly, you will feel better and more energized in your own skin. Eating healthy and staying active on a regular basis is truly vital to a productive lifestyle and will help you succeed in college.