Caffeine: The Neurological Side Effects We Crave

My freshman year of college, I bought a coffee maker. After moving into my apartment and sitting through syllabus week, scanning Walmart’s shelves for something under $25 while double-checking my bank account felt like the natural next step. As I recall the memory of me lifting a soon-to-be-mine Mr. Coffee cardboard box into my cart, time reels in slow motion and the fluorescent lights above us...

Three Ways to Eat Healthier Without The Hassle

Remember the blissful days of never having to worry about food? In the morning, shuffling out of bed to a kitchen full of options; from Eggo Waffles and Toaster Strudels stacked high in the freezer, to whatever cereal that was available: Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs or some classic Honey Nut Cheerios. On a good day, one might have walked in on the sweet sight of mom or dad flipping pancakes at the...
iPhones displaying a fitness app and its functions.

Getting Fit Has Never Been Easier–Thank You, App Store

When the self-pep talk fails to conjure enough motivation to get you in the gym or the commute doesn’t fit into your schedule that day, don’t worry—there’s an app for that. Exercise apps are efficient and convenient, which makes breaking a sweat that much easier. Wherever your smartphone goes, the apps go as well. Let’s say you have an overwhelming paper due by midnight and don’t plan...