GA midterm election 2018 VOTE banner reading: "Get out the vote. It's your voice, its your rights. Use them."

Get Out The Vote! GA Midterm Elections 2018

 MIDTERM ELECTIONS APPROACHING  The midterm elections are fast approaching on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH and, with most Americans saying that this election is the most important midterm in their lifetime, it is essential that voters are well informed. Not only does this election include the election of state governor, but a whole host of statewide offices, Georgia constitutional amendments and...

The Con is Coming! The Con is Coming!

 It's summertime, and the con's in town!  Do you love hanging out in Atlanta? Do you love comic books? Are you a nerd? Do you need something to do this summer? Then we have the perfect thing for you: Atlanta Comic Con! Atlanta Comic Con is a comic book convention held in Atlanta, Georgia at the Georgia World Congress Center. Run by Imaginarium, the convention features celebrity guests, panels,...

Surviving College Parties

The average college experience is sprinkled with parties and students often find themselves in sticky situations. My sliver of experience with college parties has taught me a standard for how to handle myself when things take a wrong turn. For those over the age of 21, here are several drinking-related situations and how to deal with them: The spins. It’s summer! When school’s out (or down to...
Eiffel tower

Parlez-Vous Français: All Languages Blend Into Each Other

Parlez-vous français? Maybe not, but a lot of languages build off of each other through assimilation, and English is a great example. Quite a bit of the English language is derived from French. It began with the Norman Invasion, which brought William the Conqueror and a French nobility to rule over the English-speaking peasantry. Since French was never taught to the lower classes, it didn’t...

A Productive Summer

I know everyone is ready to kick off their summer. Finals are finishing up, grades are being entered, and we can finally exhale. I have already had plenty of daydreams about lying down at the pool, eating popsicles, and buying a hot dog at the Braves game, but this summer I have decided to do more than just daydream - I am going to be productive. Now, before you throw tomatoes at me, just hear me...

Which Student Are You This Summer?

Many moons ago (before college), my summers were always the same - whether I was sitting at home watching cable TV or walking around outside with the neighborhood kids, the summer was consistent. Since beginning college, however, each summer has been a new experience for me, with its own sets of friends, goals, and activities. My first summer was spent recklessly (see below, "The Partier") while...

How to Stand Out in Class

Whether you are afraid your voice won't be heard in a class of over 200 students, or you simply do not care about being noticed in class, it is important to set yourself apart from your peers. Getting noticed in class plays a big role in getting good grades. So, why is it important? Professors. Although your personal hard work contributes to getting good grades, professors are also important...

The Bright Side to Early Classes

Registration for Fall semester has started, and I know a few unfortunate students have fallen victim to class scheduling. Some students are unlucky enough to get stuck with an unavoidable 8:00 a.m. class, and, even if it is the most exciting class in my schedule, there is nothing exciting about taking an early class. I have never been, nor will I ever be, a morning person; the day does not start...

LinkedIn: Your Link to the Business World

Most people hop onto their computer immediately after waking up, mug of coffee in hand, to start one of their many social media check-ins to see what is going on in the world around them. Professionals, however, have a different style of rising in the morning. Instead of checking updates on Facebook, they check for updates on LinkedIn: their link to the business world. LinkedIn launched in 2003...

5 Steps to Becoming a Healthier Student

I'll be the first to admit that I am not the most athletic of people. Growing up in a family full of athletes, I had to find my own ways of staying healthy and active. College doesn’t exactly lend a hand, what with all the amazing culinary options we have on campus. This semester, I have intentionally searched for ways to stay fit while doing very little. Here is my lazy man’s guide to...