black and white photo of a spooky forest at night to get you in the Halloween mood!

Halloween 2018: Trends, Predictions, and Ideas

The leaves are falling, pumpkin spice has taken over and October is here. Along with autumn, Halloween is around the corner. Are you looking for a great costume? Couples costumes? Or maybe group costumes? Here are some ideas and a prediction of what you may see tonight. In the past two years unicorns and mermaids have flooded the nights of Halloween celebration. Whimsical creatures, glitter,...
GA midterm election 2018 VOTE banner reading: "Get out the vote. It's your voice, its your rights. Use them."

Get Out The Vote! GA Midterm Elections 2018

 MIDTERM ELECTIONS APPROACHING  The midterm elections are fast approaching on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH and, with most Americans saying that this election is the most important midterm in their lifetime, it is essential that voters are well informed. Not only does this election include the election of state governor, but a whole host of statewide offices, Georgia constitutional amendments and...