[#TBT Album Review] Nine Inch Nails – The Downward Spiral

Note from the Editor-in-Chief: There was some discussion about whether or not to post this article due to its dark themes and explicit language. I have chosen to put this on our website for two reasons. One reason is that this album (and all music) is art and art doesn't need to be family friendly. The other reason is that the themes covered in the album are feelings and thoughts that are faced...

[#TBT Album Review] Brand New – The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

In 2006, alternative band Brand New was just finding their sound and distinctive style. The band, coming off of a very successful album titled Deja Entendu, wrote and produced a new album under Interscope Records titled The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me. This album would expand on the intricate and layered sound from the previous album and refine it to an even more unique sound. The album,...