The People of Kennesaw – An Original Video Series

The People of Kennesaw is a video series created by KSU Lifestyle in order to showcase the diverse cast of interesting people that have been a part of the Kennesaw State University culture. Our goal is to seek out faculty, staff, students, and alumni of KSU and help tell their own personal story. We want these videos to be a personal expression of the featured individual. They will have the...

The Break Room

The Break Room, located in Sandy Springs, serves as a “destruction therapy” experience. It offers a unique chance to escape the stresses that come with college, work, and life. Influenced by the Canadian-based “Rage Room,” The Break Room experience focuses on the destruction of glassware and electronics. It’s simple. It’s chaotic, but elegant. There is something beautiful about the...

[#TBT Album Review] Brand New – The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

In 2006, alternative band Brand New was just finding their sound and distinctive style. The band, coming off of a very successful album titled Deja Entendu, wrote and produced a new album under Interscope Records titled The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me. This album would expand on the intricate and layered sound from the previous album and refine it to an even more unique sound. The album,...