Getting Motivated in the Face of Procrastination

If you’ve been in college for any amount of time, and you’re like almost every other student who’s ever lived, you are no stranger to procrastination. It affects all of us. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, anywhere from 80 to 95 percent of college students procrastinate. If you’re reading this article right now and you should be doing math homework or writing...

To Procrastinate or Not to Procrastinate

Note from the Web Editor: In lieu of a #TBT review, this article on procrastination is being published. Because uh, I didn't write the review for this week. :^) Procrastination is good. Yes, you read that right. Procrastination is good. Well, at least it is if you can do it correctly. It’s a tightrope, this thing we call time management, and let me tell you, as I end my fourth year in college,...