Skateboarding Santa

December Nostalgia Trip: Winter Break

Welcome to Nostalgia Trip! This is your guide to all the fun movies, TV shows, books, and video games from yesteryear that are worth revisiting. Each month, we’ll go over some need-to-see options that you have either forgotten about from your childhood, or that you missed out on completely. Fall is coming to an end, and we all know what that means: hot chocolate, fireside story time, and, if...
Allen Pan and grant Umehara are holding recreations of comic book weapons they made. Allen is holding a Captain America flying shield drone, and Grant is holding a Iron Man laser arm.

Science & Tech YouTubers: Trying Stuff at Home So You Don’t Have To

As college students, we spend a vast majority of our time doing something we shouldn't: browsing YouTube. I am one of the worst offenders of this, spending hours of my precious free time - and most of the time that I should be working - wandering through links until I realize I have no idea where I started (honestly, sometimes it gets worse than Wikipedia). Throughout my journeys I have collected...
Picture of a board game halfway through playing the game.

Board Games to Play on Halloween

Everything is set for your Halloween party. You know what creepy snacks you’re going to have out for your guests, you’ve already picked out the horror movie you’re all going to watch, and you just got the last piece you needed for your costume. All that’s left is to decide on what games you want to play! In this article, I’m going to outline a few board games I like to play with large...
Picture of a college classroom with desks sitting in a semicircle

October Nostalgia Trip: Back in Session

Welcome to Nostalgia Trip! This is your guide to all the fun movies, TV shows, books, and video games from yesteryear that are worth revisiting. Each month, we’ll go over some need-to-see options that you either have forgotten about from your childhood, or that you missed out on completely. Books are opening, assignments are due, and the resounding noise of students putting their noses to the...
Picture of a movie theater with a blue light cascading over the seats and screen.

Upcoming Movies for Fall 2017

If you love to go to the movies with your friends, but you don’t really track release dates, then this is the article for you. Each of these upcoming movies have release dates between now and November, and I will talk about why each movie should be worth watching. Without further ado, here are some hot new movies to keep an eye out for in theaters this fall: Blade Runner: 2049 October 6 Blade...

Nostalgia Trip: July – Dog Days of Summer

Welcome to Nostalgia Trip! This is your guide to all the fun movies, TV shows, books, and video games from yesteryear that are worth revisiting. Each month, we'll go over some need-to-see options that you either have forgotten about from your childhood, or that you missed out on completely. Summer is about to come to a close - well, as far as school goes, anyway (thanks, Georgia) - and everyone's...

Nostalgia Trip: June – Full Swing of Summer

Welcome to Nostalgia Trip! This is your guide to all the fun movies, TV shows, books, and video games from yesteryear that are worth revisiting. Each month, we'll go over some need-to-see options that you either have forgotten about from your childhood, or that you missed out on completely. Summer is in full swing, and let me tell you: I am loving it! We talked about engaging media last month, so...

Nostalgia Trip: May – What Do I Do with All This Free Time?

Welcome to Nostalgia Trip! This is your guide to all the fun movies, TV shows, books, and video games from yesteryear that are worth revisiting. Each month, we'll go over some need-to-see options that you either have forgotten about from your childhood, or that you missed out on completely. Finals are done, projects are in, and regardless of the outcome: summer is here! Even if you're taking...

YouTube Feature: Alan Resnick and Felix Colgrave

YouTube is a candy cane-colored pit of distraction. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been trying to complete projects or homework and instead have just gotten completely derailed by watching Vsauce and trash crusher videos. Throughout my forays into the digital attention trap that is YouTube, I have managed to compile a list of comedy sketches, unique music videos, compelling horror...

Seven Little Planets and You

You may have noticed that one of Google’s Doodles a while back had a short little GIF about the discovery of seven Earth-sized exoplanets. 40 light years away, seven exoplanets (planets that orbit stars outside our solar system) are orbiting a star 200 times cooler than our sun. These seven celestial bodies pose many interesting questions for the scientific community, and are a light at the end...