Fall Fashion according to your Sun Sign

Greetings ladies and gentleman! Fall is here and it is truly glorious. We have said goodbye to the summer heat practically melting the skin off of our bodies and hello to the crisp cool air that welcomes the holiday season. Hopefully the planets have been kind to everyone so far this semester. With Mercury entering retrograde yet again on Halloween, it is going to be so tempting to blame every...
Picture of a movie theater with a blue light cascading over the seats and screen.

Upcoming Movies for Fall 2017

If you love to go to the movies with your friends, but you don’t really track release dates, then this is the article for you. Each of these upcoming movies have release dates between now and November, and I will talk about why each movie should be worth watching. Without further ado, here are some hot new movies to keep an eye out for in theaters this fall: Blade Runner: 2049 October 6 Blade...