How to Diversify Your Entertainment Tastes

We’ve all been there: scrolling through movies we’ve seen a thousand times, shuffling through the same old songs, or playing the umpteenth zombie shooter game. Even in this world, where we’re constantly bombarded by information, it can become stale. Luckily for us, it’s very easy to branch out and find something new to enjoy. For everyone from Cinephiles looking to branch out to other...

The Trappings of Anticipation: How the Hype Train Killed No Man’s Sky

We weren’t all there, but we felt its impact. E3 2014 took our hopes, loaded them into a rocket, and shot it into the stars. Hello Games, backed by Sony, showed us footage of an all-new type of gaming experience. They promised an entirely procedurally-generated universe for players to explore, and gamers everywhere hoped that this would be the next step in video game evolution. As time went on,...