Allen Pan and grant Umehara are holding recreations of comic book weapons they made. Allen is holding a Captain America flying shield drone, and Grant is holding a Iron Man laser arm.

Science & Tech YouTubers: Trying Stuff at Home So You Don’t Have To

As college students, we spend a vast majority of our time doing something we shouldn't: browsing YouTube. I am one of the worst offenders of this, spending hours of my precious free time - and most of the time that I should be working - wandering through links until I realize I have no idea where I started (honestly, sometimes it gets worse than Wikipedia). Throughout my journeys I have collected...

The People of Kennesaw – An Original Video Series

The People of Kennesaw is a video series created by KSU Lifestyle in order to showcase the diverse cast of interesting people that have been a part of the Kennesaw State University culture. Our goal is to seek out faculty, staff, students, and alumni of KSU and help tell their own personal story. We want these videos to be a personal expression of the featured individual. They will have the...