Fast, Simple and Delicious Recipes for the Vegan College Student

In the eyes of many, the vegan diet gets a bad rap. This is especially true in college. People say it's too expensive or too much of a hassle to even bother attempting. But that doesn't have to be the case. In fact, with the right resources and a little help from a few of my own recipes, finding yummy yet inexpensive vegan meal ideas just got more accessible. All of the ingredients used in these...

Allergy-FREE Eats: Four for the Fourth!

The Fourth of July means parties and picnics, baking and BBQs - however, with allergies it can be tough to find some munchables that won’t march you into a malady. But never fear: here are four easy, delicious, party-ready recipes for you to dive into in true red, white, and blue style! Cranberry Orange Muffins (FREE OF Dairy, Eggs, Nuts, Fish, Shellfish, Gluten, Wheat, and Soy) Recipe: 3 cups...

Allergy-FREE Eats: Easy-To-Make Chocolate Cake

The hectic holiday season is coming, full of festivities and food and bringing the question of what to make? That question is even further complicated if you, your family, or your friends have food allergies. If you do, you know the holidays can be an even more tricky and stressful season when it comes to mealtimes. What do you do? Find the perfect allergy-free recipe of course! Here’s on for...