Podcasts: Rethinking Entertainment

Netflix, Instagram, Snapchat, repeat. Does anyone else feel like they are stuck in an entertainment loop? This was me a few weeks ago. I was dying to put an end to my indefinite boredom. A girl can only creep on celebrity profiles for so long! I decided to visit my abandoned podcast app and thus, my addiction was born. Podcasts have become my go-to form of entertainment. They are great for long drives, walks between classes, and a way to wind down before bed. Here are four podcasts that have cured my entertainment woes:

  1. Millennial

Millennial is hosted by Megan Tan. Megan is a recent college graduate who is desperately trying to maneuver her twenties. Sound familiar? The podcast plays like an audiobook, and each episode feels like the next chapter of her story.

Tips: I would recommend starting from the first episode. There are some podcasts where you can jump around, but this particular one is best heard chapter-by-chapter from the beginning.

  1. The Tim Ferriss Show

If you are someone who lacks motivation and inspiration, then you will love The Tim Ferriss Show. His show is committed to the success of others. He talks business, creativity, productive habits, and all things success. On some of the episodes, he will invite guests to chime in on a specific topic; others are solely from his perspective. Tim Ferriss is informative and energizing.

Tips: I started on episode #105, “5 Morning Rituals That Help Me Win the Day,” and I think that’s a great place to begin.

  1. Stuff You Should Know

Stuff You Should Know is a podcast devoted to all the random questions you ask yourself and never get the answers to. If you have ever wondered why yawning is contagious or why people blush, then your search ends here. Stuff You Should Know answers those head-scratching questions with hilarious detail and a fresh outlook.

Tips: Scroll through the titles and pick the ones that interest you the most, but don’t be afraid to stray a little and explore unfamiliar topics.

  1. What Should I Read Next?

If you love all things books and reading, then you will love what Anne Bogel, host of What Should I Read Next?, does on her show. She asks her guests on the show to name three books they love, one book they hate, and what they are currently reading. She takes that information and tells the guest what books they should read next. It’s like matchmaking, but with books.

Tips: Take a look at the show notes listed in the episode description, and find an episode that discusses a book you’ve read. I loved hearing different opinions on books that I was familiar with.

These podcasts have spiced up my life in a way I hadn’t expected. My drives, walks to class, and bedtime routine has become way less monotonous and predictable. Wipe the cyber cobwebs off your podcast app and start listening: Netflix, Instagram, and Snapchat will just have to wait.