
It can sometimes feel like you’ve seen every show and movie on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu, but there’s one last resort to turn to that not many students know of!

Kennesaw has obtained the licensing for many popular movies, both old and new, and these movies are available to you on Owlflix.

In the mood for action movies?

ghostbusters300 killbill

Or comedies?

badmom neighbors swiss

How about some dramas?

mebeforeyouamericanhustle pursuit

Into some sci-fi?

clockwork mgf5sp69 star_trek_beyond_ver2_xxlg

A romance?

as_good_as_it_gets letters titanic

These films pictured above are just a small taste of what the Housing and Residence Life has accumulated for us. These movies are subject to change as Housing and Residence Life buy new licenses and old ones expire, but you can always expect to see a hearty list of movies to watch.