Skateboarding Santa

December Nostalgia Trip: Winter Break

Welcome to Nostalgia Trip! This is your guide to all the fun movies, TV shows, books, and video games from yesteryear that are worth revisiting. Each month, we’ll go over some need-to-see options that you have either forgotten about from your childhood, or that you missed out on completely. Fall is coming to an end, and we all know what that means: hot chocolate, fireside story time, and, if...

How to Diversify Your Entertainment Tastes

We’ve all been there: scrolling through movies we’ve seen a thousand times, shuffling through the same old songs, or playing the umpteenth zombie shooter game. Even in this world, where we’re constantly bombarded by information, it can become stale. Luckily for us, it’s very easy to branch out and find something new to enjoy. For everyone from Cinephiles looking to branch out to other...

Virtual Reality Highlights from the Game Developers Conference

Virtual reality has hit its high mark. That’s right, VR was one of the stars at the Game Developers Conference 2016 in San Francisco over the week of March 14th. Oculus brought more than 30 games to show off for its new headset, Rift, which has a release date of March 28th. Valve also has a VRT showing of 30 games for the HTC Vive, on sale in April. Last but not least, Sony showed off 20 games...

[Game Review] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

There are few games closer to my heart than The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, originally released for the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube in 2006; it was like nothing 14-year-old me had ever played before. This was my first Zelda game, and I was entranced by the huge world, quirky characters, and captivating story. The game has now been re-released for the Nintendo Wii U nearly a decade after the...