A Productive Summer

I know everyone is ready to kick off their summer. Finals are finishing up, grades are being entered, and we can finally exhale. I have already had plenty of daydreams about lying down at the pool, eating popsicles, and buying a hot dog at the Braves game, but this summer I have decided to do more than just daydream – I am going to be productive. Now, before you throw tomatoes at me, just hear me out. College goes by fast, and it’s how we use our time that makes the difference in where we go in life. Summer is a great time to build your resume and do things that you wouldn’t ordinarily have time to do when school is in session. Here are some ideas that will make your summer fun and productive:

I am sure you have already heard this from your professors. Internships are a wonderful thing to have on your resume. It shows an employer that you made the effort to gain more experience and that you have functioned in a professional work environment. Many employers look to hire their interns after graduation. You hear that, guys?! Jobs! This could also be a great place to network and meet new people in the field you are interested in.

Volunteer Work
If you are looking for something less involved, volunteer work is a great option. I spent one summer volunteering at a local hospital, and that volunteer work has opened doors for more opportunities. Volunteering doesn’t just look good on paper – it also feels good. It takes you out of your comfort zone and into someone else’s reality. I have made some of the greatest relationships through volunteering!

I think any kind of travel is productive. As students, we have to make some difficult decisions between now and graduation. These four years are a stepping stone to the rest of our lives. I have made some of those big decisions while traveling. Seeing the world develops your sense of being; you can begin to see the type of life you want and the things that need to be done to get there. Save your pennies and book that ticket. You won’t regret it!

Enjoy your summer! Drink your sweet tea by the pool and sleep in until 3:00 p.m., but consider using some of your time to your advantage to work toward your personal goals. Have an amazing and productive summer!