Welcome to Nostalgia Trip! This is your guide to all the fun movies, TV shows, books, and video games from yesteryear that are worth revisiting. Each month, we’ll go over some need-to-see options that you either have forgotten about from your childhood, or that you missed out on completely.
Finals are done, projects are in, and regardless of the outcome: summer is here! Even if you’re taking summer classes or you have a part-time job for the summer, I’m sure you have plenty of free time now that you aren’t being pulled in a billion directions by school. If you’re like me, the summer is a time to catch up on all the free time I missed out on while writing papers and bending over backwards to appease professors. For the May edition of Nostalgia Trip, we’ll be looking at some great media that you now have the time to get absorbed in.
Movies/TV Shows
Pirates of the Caribbean Series

This whole series is filled with likable characters, an interesting twist on the mythos of the high seas, and silly pirate antics. It’s perfect for binging all in one go, or for the centerpiece of a pirate-themed party. These movies are great for pretty much any occasion. The next movie will be coming out pretty soon as well, so this is a perfect opportunity to recap the whole series.
The X-Files TV Series

Follow the adventures of Mulder and Scully as they journey across America to investigate the supernatural and paranormal activities that the government sweeps under the rug. This cult classic series explores the mystery behind classified government secrets, mythologies from around the world, and the tough decisions Mulder and Scully have to make in their line of work. I can personally attest that you’ll be hooked after the first episode.
Stargate SG-1 TV Series

Nothing is the same after the governments of the world discover the Stargate, an ancient alien artifact that allows travel to other planets. The SG-1 team’s duty is to explore the worlds beyond our own, but they always end up in some trouble. Though the first few episodes can come off a bit wooden, this series is sure to draw in any sci-fi fans.
The Redwall Series by Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques’ stories were probably some of the most formative books in my young life. They depict the struggles of woodland creatures (usually those that lived in Redwall Abbey) against tyrannical rulers or assailants. Jacques’ words also weave a great picture of the world, but don’t get me started on his descriptions of food. Even though these are “children’s books,” they can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of age.
The Stand by Stephen King

If you like post-apocalyptic books, this book is for you. Stephen King is well-known for his literary prowess, and The Stand is a testament to that. Follow the paths of a few unlikely survivors after a great plague sweeps the world, and learn their stories. The struggles they face are equal parts human and fantastical, and King masterfully portrays their hardships.
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

We all remember The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie, but there are a whole series of The Chronicles of Narnia books. If you like fantasy novels and you haven’t read these, then you’re definitely missing out. Each book shows its own unique look into the world of Narnia, with all the stories weaving in with each other.
Video Games
Harvest Moon

Taking care of a farm and living off the land may not sound like the most exciting gameplay, but the Harvest Moon games are what you make of them. They’re a slower paced game series, but you’ll be surprised how invested you get in the success of your little farm. If you’re looking for a game that will draw you in this summer, I can’t think of a better single-player experience than the Harvest Moon series.
Animal Crossing

Where Harvest Moon is all about making your farm grow bigger with some bearing on personal relationships, Animal Crossing reverses that. As the mayor of this town, it’s your duty to make sure everything is in tip-top shape. I’ve never seen a game series quite like Animal Crossing, where players get so attached to the people in their towns. You’ll have to play it for yourself to get the full experience.
Old MMOs

There are so many older MMOs that I don’t even know where to begin. If names like Maplestory, Runescape, Neopets, Gaia Online, or Everquest stir up dust in some corner of your mind, then this section is for you. Most of those games are still going strong, but they’ve changed quite a bit over the years. If you played any of these games, take a night to hop back on and experience their worlds all over again.