Welcome to Nostalgia Trip! This is your guide to all the fun movies, TV shows, books, and video games from yesteryear that are worth revisiting. Each month, we’ll go over some need-to-see options that you either have forgotten about from your childhood, or that you missed out on completely.
Summer is in full swing, and let me tell you: I am loving it! We talked about engaging media last month, so this month I thought we’d talk about under-appreciated and lesser known media. In the past, these movies and games have become overshadowed by more popular works, so try to get your hands on these media underdogs this month.
Movies/TV Shows
Son of Rambow

A tale of 1980s schoolboys writing and filming a movie inspired by the ubiquitous Rambo films. This film has all the charm of those old family comedies, and explores something that is a rocky road for all of us: the process of growing up.
Troll Hunter
While investigating illegal poaching, the students filming this mockumentary stumble upon a man who hunts down trolls for the Norwegian government. Equal parts campy and entertaining, this film will be a hit among you and your friends.
SLC Punk

Two nerds form a punk band in the 80s and travel around performing and partying while deciding what to do with their lives. This movie takes an interesting look at the differences between generations in America, and how people divide themselves.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Better known for its movie adaptation, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas revolves around two journalists who are sent to Las Vegas to report on a horse race. Along the way, they partake in recreational drugs and cause general mayhem. Sometimes the story is hard to follow because you can’t tell if the characters are talking about something real or imagined – but either way, it’s an interesting read, to say the least.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Series

Many people know of the The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy film, but relatively few know about the book the movie is based on. Even fewer know about the other books in the series, which are arguably even more interesting than the namesake work. You can usually find the whole series bound together as one complete work, and I highly recommend picking it up.

Considered by some to be the ultimate sci-fi/fantasy book, Dune has it all, from sandworms and ornithopter flying machines to mind-altering spices. If you like either sci-fi or fantasy books, this will blend both genres into something greater than the sum of its parts.
Video Games
Phantom Dust

Phantom Dust is an old third-person collectible card game shooter (and if that’s not a good enough reason to play this game, I don’t know what is). The player takes on the role of an Esper, a person born with the ability to manipulate the dust that blankets the wastelands of a ruined earth. The gameplay is fun and engaging, and the story is well-written. If you’re looking for an entirely new experience, the HD re-release came out earlier in 2017, so pick that version up if you want to check it out.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is a third-person roleplaying game that came out for the Nintendo GameCube. You play as a member of a “Crystal Caravan” that sets out to collect myrrh. You bring back this back to your village in order to protect everyone from a deadly plague that blankets the world. Even though multiplayer requires Game Boy Advances and link cables, it’s definitely worth it once you get all your friends to play.
Beyond Good and Evil

In Beyond Good and Evil you play as Jade, a photojournalist who leads a rebellion against the DomZ alien tyrants. This 3D platforming game features many cool mechanics, and feels like a Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank game. If you like those old PlayStation 2 games, then I would suggest playing Beyond Good and Evil for a similar experience.