We live in a time in which pop culture revolves around the Internet. If I were to ask you how many social media platforms you use, how many would you come up with? With our nation being so technologically charged, it was only a matter of time before people started to find ways to become rich and famous through the web. These Internet celebrities have discovered their own unique way to launch their careers by doing what they love every day and sharing it with people all over the world. But the questions remain: what are their secrets to success, and how much can you make per year?

Who is Felix Kjellberg? I know that a lot of you may be scratching your heads right now. The name PewDiePie might sound much more familiar to you, however, and that’s because this is the name Felix uses on YouTube. He might just be one of the biggest YouTube stars on the planet, as he rakes in $12 million for doing what he loves. His channel focuses on giving users exciting and adult commentary as he plays through video games that his fans have asked to see. Because of the millions of followers that PewDiePie has gained over the years, advertisers are willing to pay him lots of money to feature their products on his channel.
But if you think it’s as easy as getting a camera and filming yourself screaming at the screen, think again. PewDiePie has found a solid way to give the YouTube community what they want. I’ve already touched on the fact that he connects with his audience, but there’s so much more to it. He has to make certain that he’s able to reach all the emotions that viewers look for, and he has to keep up with the consistency of his video uploads. I believe that this is one of the most important aspects of becoming an Internet celebrity. You must gain your viewers’ trust, and being consistent in your video production is the best way to do it.

“The key to tuning into your creativity and making something beautiful is to experience life and connect with other minds.” – Michelle Phan, “10 Quotes to Live By”
I feel like Michelle’s quote truly embodies what it means to be an Internet celebrity. It’s not about the fact that they’ve become famous, it’s that they’ve been able to take their creativity and passion and create something to share with the world. Michelle became huge when she started posting make-up videos on her YouTube channel. Her net worth is around $3 million and she has over 7.5 million subscribers on her channel. Her success online allowed Michelle to co-found Ipsy, a make-up sampling service that sends you samples based on your style, beauty habits, and color preferences.
Michelle said this when asked about how she became so successful: “I didn’t have a roadmap, I just did it because it was meaningful to me and I wanted to disrupt the beauty industry.” Her tutorials are refreshing and easy to follow along with, and I think that this is one of the reasons she’s been so successful. I brought up the topic of trust when talking about PewDiePie’s success, and Michelle has also built a brand that her subscribers trust enough for them to invest in her other ventures outside of YouTube.
There are so many platforms that can be used to become an Internet sensation. People have earned success in blogging, and even through something as simple as Instagram. I have several friends that have made a living off the Internet, and they’re successful because they’re doing what they love and are able to relay those experiences to others. If you’re thinking about trying to immerse yourself in that world, I think the best way to start would be not to compare yourself to the people that have made it big. You must remember that they all started just where you were. The true secret of these Internet celebrities is that they never gave up, so neither should you.